As Port Commissioner, being escorted as guest of honour, on board a visiting battleship in Colombo harbour, by the ship’s Commanding Officer
As President of the Institution of engineers, Ceylon, addressing the institution of Engineers, Australia at the Silver Jubilee celebration in 1969.
Delivering a lecture at Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee to an appreciative audience in 1972.
A special post- tensioning jack incorporating some novel features was developed for this system, which Was patented in 1956 as the Kulasinghe- CPC system.
Sir John Kotalawala laying the first block for the Colombo Port Development Project. Constructors CITRA of France.
Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, Vice President of India, presenting the Institution of Engineers, India, Award to A N S Kulasinghe, in 1960, for his paper “Recent Developments in prestressed concrete in Ceylon” with Dr KL Rao, the famous engineer watching in the foreground. Dr Rao was later the Union Minister of Irrigation and Power.
Playing the thabla during a musical programme at the NERD Centre in April 1991. The Regional Environmental and Natural Resources information Centre (RENRIC) held a South Asia Comparative Environment Programme (SACEP) conference at the NERD Centre.
Construction of dolphins using prestressed concrete cylinders for the sub-structure.